Archive | January 30, 2012


   Focusing on the good things can be difficult, and daunting according to whatever struggles one faces. Since life is life and we can’t change some things then it is inevitable that it is learned early to think on what is beautiful and what is good in life. It is not a way of escape, but a way to recognize that life is fragile and the sweetness must be enjoyed even if it is in the everyday mundane.   So, I take my daily sweet peas. Some tiny little goodness that I may find wrapped in life’s surprises that are waiting to be recognized.    This was the very first post, and  there were some surprises. All of you!  I’m amazed at the talent, beauty, and goodness that I found in fellow bloggers.  Every blogger that I follow  has added something of value, and then some.  Thanks to you for making the journey of focus a much easier quest!